IN 2007
Particle Accelerator
played a key role in inaugurating
the golden age of nuclear science
construction of what were then the most famous
atom smashers in the world
-- the 60-inch and 184-inch cyclotrons, and finally the Bevatron.
Bill Brobeck, Designer of Lab's Historic Particle Accelerators, Dies
April 17, 1998
By Monica Friedlander,
It was Ernest Orlando Lawrence who invented the first cyclotron back in 1930. But it was his colleague,
a young mechanical engineer by the name of William Brobeck, who built on Lawrence's concept to design the world's largest
and most powerful particle accelerators of their era, thereby playing a key role in inaugurating the golden age of nuclear
science. Last Friday Bill Brobeck died in Walnut Creek, leaving behind a lifetime of contributions to the field of accelerator
physics. He was 89.
Bill Brobeck 1908-1998 |
"Bill was one of the great persons who helped Lawrence organize a pioneering science institution which
became the prototype for science laboratories the world over," said retired Berkeley Lab physicist Ed Lofgren, who headed
the development and operation of the Bevatron and knew Brobeck in his early days.
From 1937 to 1957 Brobeck was assistant director and chief engineer of the Lab -- then the UC Radiation
Laboratory. He joined the best and the brightest in the field of particle physics when he was only 29 years old, and went
on to oversee the construction of what were then the most famous atom smashers in the world -- the 60-inch and 184-inch cyclotrons,
and finally the Bevatron.
Bill Brobeck (right) shows a model of the Bevatron to Donald Cooksey (left) and former
Lab Director Ernest O. Lawrence. |
Brobeck was the first person to marry science and engineering by applying professional engineering
techniques to accelerator design -- something that became standard procedure in all future accelerator construction. The instruments
he created represented major technological advances and were subsequently associated with important discoveries in particle
physics. The Bevatron, for example, which could accelerate protons to energies of 6.5 Gev, made possible the creation of antiprotons,
a discovery that earned Owen Chamberlain and Emilio Segrč the Nobel Prize in 1955.
Former Lab director and Nobel laureate Edwin McMillan once referred to Brobeck as the "master of the
confluence of engineering and physics," who "transformed homemade toys into superb tools of the intellect," and "helped open
to human understanding the worlds of the atom and of subatomic particles."
Brobeck's first large-scale assignment was to design the 60-inch cyclotron in 1939 -- then the largest
and most powerful accelerator in the world. Brobeck scaled up Luis Alvarez's model to devise the historical machine. "To him,
more than to any other one individual, goes the credit for the success of the 60-inch cyclotron and all subsequent developments,"
said Lab founder Ernest Lawrence in 1951.
The 60-inch cyclotron was used for the discovery of the early transuranium elements and established
the Laboratory's preeminence as a world leader in accelerator design. Subsequently, Lawrence put Brobeck in charge of designing
its successor, the 184-Inch Cyclotron, which inaugurated the field of experimental high energy physics using accelerator beams.
Soon thereafter Brobeck proposed a practical method of applying the principle of "phase stability,"
discovered by Ed McMillan, to accelerate protons to energies in the billion-volt range and higher in ring magnets. Brobeck
successfully embodied this revolutionary concept in the construction of the Berkeley Bevatron, which would dominate the field
of particle physics for years to come and further accelerate man's understanding of energy and matter.
After retiring from the Lab in 1957, Brobeck continued his contribution to the field of accelerator
design by establishing his own consulting firm in mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering. In 1971 Brobeck was awarded
an honorary degree from UC Berkeley for his lifelong contributions. Brobeck held engineering degrees from Stanford University
and MIT, and was also a renowned scholar of English literature.
Brobeck's professional interests and bursting ingenuity extended way beyond the field of accelerator
design. In 1972, for instance, he was hired by the U.S. Department of Transportation to develop pollution-free vehicles. Even
in his retirement years Brobeck continued to design gadgets that made him as famous in his neighborhood as accelerators did
in the world of science. Among them: an automated lawn mower that could start up by itself, head out onto the lawn and mow
it before going back, turning itself off and recharging its battery. He also invented an automatic record changer and a car
that ran on both gas and electricity.
A memorial service for Bill Brobeck was held on April 9 at the Orinda Community Church. Brobeck is
survived by his wife, Gloria Brown Brobeck, daughters Kathy Brobeck and Betts Coury, son Bill Brobeck, and two grandchildren.
Memorial gifts may be sent in his name to the Alzheimer Association, Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, 330 Distel Circle,
Suite A, Los Altos, CA 94022
The Bevatron was a particle accelerator — specifically, a weak-focusing synchrotron — at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory which began operating in 1954. The antiproton was discovered there in 1955, resulting in the 1959 Nobel Prize in physics for Emilio Segrč and Owen Chamberlain. It accelerated protons into a fixed target, and was named for its ability to impart energies of billions of eV. (This is the reason why it was named Bevatron: Billions of eV Synchrotron.)
It was finally decommissioned in 1993, although the building is still present and visible in satellite images at least as late as 2006.
The Bevatron was largely designed to be energetic enough to create antiprotons,
and thus test the hypothesis that every particle has a corresponding anti-particle. At the time it was built, there was no
known way to confine a particle beam to a narrow aperture, so the beam space was about four square feet in cross section.
In order to create antiprotons (mass 938 MeV) in collisions with nucleons in a stationary target while conserving both energy and momentum,
a proton beam energy of slightly over 5 GeV is required. The combination of beam aperture and energy required a huge, 10,000
ton iron magnet. The next generation of accelerators used "strong focusing", and required much smaller apertures, and
thus much cheaper magnets. The AGS (Alternating Gradient Synchrotron) at Brookhaven was the first next-generation machine, with an aperture roughly
an order of magnitude less in both transverse directions, and reaching 30 GeV proton energy, yet with a less massive magnet
In the years following the antiproton discovery, much pioneering work was done here using beams
of protons extracted from the accelerator proper, to hit targets and generate secondary beams of elementary particles, not
only protons but also neutrons, pions, "strange particles", and many others. These could in turn be passed for
further study through various targets and specialized detectors, notably the liquid hydrogen bubble chamber, for which Luis Alvarez received the Nobel Prize in 1968.
TSL Technical Information - cyclotron hall
See the other side of the Cyclotron
1. External ion injection: The external ion source can be used with axial injection into the cyclotron. An ECR source is used for a wide variety of ions (from alfa particles to Xenon).
2. The Cyclotron: Isochronous cyclotron for all particles except protons above 100 MeV. For protons in the range
100-180 MeV the cyclotron works as a synchrocyclotron. Particles and energies available.
3. Radiofrequency system: (System1 in figure) Two accelerating electrodes each covering an angle from 72 degrees at centre
to 42 degrees at max. radius. Possible to use between 12.25 and 24.5 MHz (on the orbit frequency of the ions and on harmonics
2, 3 and 4). Two modes of operation: Fixed frequency (isochronous cyclotron) and Frequency Modulation (synchrocyclotron) Max.
accelerating voltage 50 kV in fixed frequency mode and 16 kV when used in FM mode over a frequency band approx. 24-22 MHz.
Max. power per system is 140 kW.
4. Vacuum system: Two large diffusion pumps with cryogenic baffles (and one smaller) combined with two cryopanels
in the cyclotron chamber, giving a vacuum of approx. 10-7 mbar without gas load from internal
ion source and 10-6 mbar with internal ion source.
5. QA1 and QA2 (Quadrupole magnets for focussing of the beam)
6. Internal Ion Source: Internal Penning Ionization sources are used for protons and some light ions (deuterons, alfa
7. Sond 1: Measure the beam current.
8. Collimator: Used to reduce the beam size and the beam current.
9. BMA1 This bending magnet can switch the beam between the a-line and the b-line.
Main data of the Gustaf Werner Cyclotron Single pole with three sectors for vertical focussing Pole
base diameter 2.8 m Pole gap hill-hill 0.2 m, valley-valley 0.362 m Magnet yoke (iron) weight 600 tons Copper
coil weight 50 tons, power consumption max. 300 kW 13 sets of radial gradient field correction coils and two sets of harmonic
correction coils Max. average field 1.75 T at a max. useful radius of 1.2 m Bending limit K= 192 Q2/A
MeV Focussing limit (protons) 100 MeV, avoided by using frequency modulation up to 180 MeV
Beamline drawing
OCTOBER 14, 2006
I found this site while looking up Nebhet Hotep
(CAROLYN BESSETTE) and they backed up my theory that the planet has blown up many times......
ASHES From: (TOD) Date: Mon, Apr 5, 2004
Secret of the Mysteries- AMEN NEVERMORE!! (NEVERMORE
AND WANTS FULL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. -- I am in desperate need of money! For the millions of members of
the Freemasonic Lodge their peculiar religion is really nothing more than your average southern baptist church, observing
morals and dogma little different from a temperance society. But what is the real key to Freemasonry. Not Long
after the establishment of the Bank of England. A Young Preacher, Robert Fludd, an antiquarian who established the
doctrines and philosophy of both paraselsus and christian rozencranz in england. He is hearalded as the Father of
Modern Freemasonry. With the acreditation of Elias Ashmole in 1646 until the Establishment of the Grand Lodge
June 24th 1717 a revolution occured, which was to change the course of the world. By unveiling the central key to
a new hagelian socialist WORLD superstructure, that few understand and even fewer baerly comprehend. The Symbols of
Masonry are identical with the ancient mysteries. Couched in a ruberic of building and architechural tools we have
the babylonian, sumarian, greek, roman, african, indian, japaneese and new world mystery wisdom schools and temples.
Let us then Cut to the Case: in Phrygia there is the right of Cybele and Sabazius. Cybele is mother earth she
is the logos she is the nurturer, provider, sustainer. She is the Reproductive force itself. Sabasius is her son.
He is the Divine nature, he is the shakti or divine energy and nature itself. The Fruit of Earth.
In the Rite,after
Sabazius violently rapes his mother. And in Turn Cybele murders her only begotten son.
This is the secret of the Kundalini, Muladhara Shakra MINDLESS PREDITOR !!!!
aWAKEN THE BEAST WITHIN (It is the Nature of the Universe that the Violent death of Whole Galaxies fertilizes space
with the vital nutrients of life. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Asteroids,(cosmic evolution as above so below-the distroyer
is spiritual evolution) plaques, famines, intoleranble Winters are all the cruel and violent act of the Son against
Mother,) But in So doing it is the great work of fertilizing the reproductive process thus Sanctifying the Evil Genius
of nature and making an otherwise grusome and horible event (rule of the Jungle) a celebration of life. Thus it was
apprehended that the human divine nature itself was the predidation of the savage beast and The mindless primitor.And
to awaken this divine spark of energy a killing must take place. And so In the Autum, spring and winter a female initiate
is selected to be Mother Earth, and a Divine Son is also selected. Let me make this perfectly clear, different
cultures different rites, but they all mean the same thing. The Mother sweetly bekons that her divine will be done
and so she sheds the life of the son while the tribe is in ogastic extasy and in total blood lust for the death of
Divine nature. Which awakens the Mindless Primitor in the Initiate that Spark of the Serpent Power(new man) That Evil
IGNORANT BEAST OF PREY AND THIS IS WHY THE WHOLE EARTH IS AS IT IS TODAY. (in many cults it is the other way around).
Cruel and ancient of days,` evil and savage as hell itself. It is the Frenzzy of the momment of gashtaltic blood
lust transformation into a sacred act of divine love thus reversing the energy of the mindless preditor by way of
vicarios sublimation and awakenning the shiva shakti and transform the evil creature the mindless preditor into a
divine human being risen from the dead. The gathering then settles down to drink his blood and eat the divine son's
flesh. Sound familiar? In the Egyptian mystery. Out of Noon or nun comes Ray or Autum Ra, autum and ra being the
divine father who after his divine sleep in primorial lotus bliss decides to invoke creation.
He is the Obelisk
or ben of which there are always two The Ben-Ben.
Nebhet hotep his consort and Sekhmet (sister cat avenger) also come
out of the noon.
They Give Birth to the Lion God Principles Shu and Tefnut. The beast is the highest principle.
They in turn give birth to Geb and Nut And then in a special 70 second moon time out period. Nut Conceives of:
Osirus, Isis, Anubis, Nephtys and Set. Ray is upset that his creation is not grateful enough, so nebhet turns into
a cow, ray goes upon her back and just before they reach heaven from out of the back of nebhet the earth appears.
(Indian cow dung) Therefore the gontlet placed before man is the way of return from set to nephtys then to anubis,
then to the higher plane of isis where man is raised by the grip of the lions Paws of shu and tefnut . both earth
and sky (balancing of all Six main chakra centers) Shiva, shakti and atman in the form of Geb, nut and Sekhmet which
evolves into the new man horis with whose eye one can see clearly see all things in falcon eye awareness. The
Key is Phallicism. The Osirian principle within is always torn to pieces by Apep (typhon) Set is nothing more than
our Mind working on the Terestial Plane We refuse to look into the mirror and see the Beast within our Egos. the Greater
Self is torn to pieces and scattered everywhere, and the church (isis) is there to try to put the pieces together but
alas the Key to the generative force of the soul was lost. (eaten by the crocodile which is our brain ever eating
our creative thought) In this Body we will always be a deformed, mangled and a cripled god, much like harpocrates
the new man in flesh the Externalization of the more escoteric Horis who is the inner man. Within the Mysteries, a
Thorn Ever Remains in the Flesh! due to the cripling nature of the Brain which remains an Enemy against the spirit.
Only when we are in unity with Earth and Sky, Geb and Nut only when we are raised by the grip of the lions Paws of
shu and tefnut can our new man sit on God's Thrown praise jesus PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS the puzzle is completed
it is finished
[BEGIN REPOST] (note from nu: the following is a *solicited* piece of crackpottery from
a friend o' mine. It is special. He originally intended to send it to "Science" magazine.
I convinced him that
alt.slack would give a better airing of his ideas.)
[The original contains four illustrations: pictures of
the Eskimo and Era Carina Nebulas with arrows pointing to their centers, labeled "Crytrillium"; and two pictures of
lightning, labeled "Cloud receiver energy to fast inadvertent discharge. This will recharge Crytrillium"]
original text follows, with the original errors. You might want to save this message so you can read it at your leisure:
January 7/2000
To whom it may concerns
I am going to attempt to answer the question
why regarding the caves of life on this terrestrial planet Earth, and its relationship to the universe.
would like to start by explaining how and why the Earth has survived 3.5 to 4.6 billion years, though out the age
of Earth. Earth's age is not a necessary factor. All the known elements that man has identified can not carry enough
energy to sustain an atomic reaction at the Earth core for that many years
There is another latent element, I
will call this element Crytrillium. Crytrillium is a superconductor of electrical energy of unlimited dimensions.
It's the building block of the universe, no star system can be formed, no planets with livable environment can exist,
without Crytrillium at their core.
Crytrillium at the Earth's core gets its renewable energy from lightning,
When lightning sticks the ground with tremendous magnitude of electrical current surges down. It travails into the
Earth's depths, to the core, the Crytrillium absorbs this electrical energy to it fullest capacity, then the Crytrillium
expels this energy a million folds to create the atomic reaction of nuclear fission at the Earth's core.
heat generated from this nuclear fission gives the terrestrial planet Earth its livable temperature and other elements
for life itself, such as the magnetic force that bonds biomolecule cells to gathering to form plants and animals.
The drawing that I have provide is rather crude, but I hope it gets the point across The metal spheres may not
be in proper sequence their may be more or less of these Spheres, that is not important.
The fact is that
molten metals, seeks out and find their own semilunar elements, in these metal sphere's creates these anomaly around
Earth, the magnetic field around the terrestrial plant Earth and a electrical field that surround Earth at thrity
five thousand feet...
1. Crytrillium 2. Platinum 3. Lead 4. Silver 5. Gold 6. zinc 7. Copper 8. Iron 9. Molting
10. Earth's crest 11. Electrically discharge of lightning, it is not necessary to have clouds for lightning
. There are meny different gasses in the Earth atmosphere that can become electrically charge, these gas can and often
are invisible to the human eyes.
12. Cumulus clouds are the great generators of life for this planet they provide
the necessary energy to regenerate the Crytilliom at the Earth core. The rolling motion at the top of cumulus clouds
in the thin atmosphere creates the necessary action for the clouds to absorb electrons and protons, this enable the
clouds to generate electricity.
If clouds absorb electron and protons to fast the cloud will create an invalanty
back blast of electrical energy back up in the earth's highest most atmosphere. The rest of the cloud will continue
to become electrically charge.
When the electricity reaches the lowest point of the cloud, That point becomes
a spark gag between the clouds and the ground giving way to a lightning discharge of exstemly high electrical energy.
13. Electrical field that surround the terrestrial planet Earth at 35 thousand feet.
Crytrillium comes
with awesome responsibility to the human race. It can propel man into space at light speed to reap the walth and knowledge
of new worlds. To walk on plants in other solar systems.
Crytrillium can be unforgiving if it is used for immoral
destructive notion for greed, graft and control of the populace to undermine Crytrillium ability, it will erase the
human race from existence as if we were never there.
OCTOBER 26, 2006
[BEGIN REPOST] (note from nu: the following is a *solicited*
piece of crackpottery from a friend o' mine. It is special. He originally intended to send it to "Science" magazine.
I convinced him that alt.slack would give a better airing of his ideas.)
[The original contains four illustrations:
pictures of the Eskimo and Era Carina Nebulas with arrows pointing to their centers, labeled "Crytrillium"; and
two pictures of lightning, labeled "Cloud receiver energy to fast inadvertent discharge. This will recharge Crytrillium"]
The original text follows, with the original errors. You might want to save this message so you can read it
at your leisure:
January 7/2000
To whom it may concerns
I am going to attempt
to answer the question why regarding the caves of life on this terrestrial planet Earth, and its relationship to the
I would like to start by explaining how and why the Earth has survived 3.5 to 4.6 billion years, though
out the age of Earth. Earth's age is not a necessary factor. All the known elements that man has identified can
not carry enough energy to sustain an atomic reaction at the Earth core for that many years
There is another latent
element, I will call this element Crytrillium. Crytrillium is a superconductor of electrical energy of unlimited
dimensions. It's the building block of the universe, no star system can be formed, no planets with livable environment
can exist, without Crytrillium at their core.
Crytrillium at the Earth's core gets its renewable energy from
lightning, When lightning sticks the ground with tremendous magnitude of electrical current surges down. It travails
into the Earth's depths, to the core, the Crytrillium absorbs this electrical energy to it fullest capacity, then
the Crytrillium expels this energy a million folds to create the atomic reaction of nuclear fission at the Earth's
The heat generated from this nuclear fission gives the terrestrial planet Earth its livable temperature
and other elements for life itself, such as the magnetic force that bonds biomolecule cells to gathering to form
plants and animals.
The drawing that I have provide is rather crude, but I hope it gets the point across The metal
spheres may not be in proper sequence their may be more or less of these Spheres, that is not important.
fact is that molten metals, seeks out and find their own semilunar elements, in these metal sphere's creates these
anomaly around Earth, the magnetic field around the terrestrial plant Earth and a electrical field that surround Earth
at thrity five thousand feet...
1. Crytrillium 2. Platinum 3. Lead 4. Silver 5. Gold 6. zinc 7. Copper 8.
Iron 9. Molting Lava
10. Earth's crest 11. Electrically discharge of lightning, it is not necessary to have
clouds for lightning . There are meny different gasses in the Earth atmosphere that can become electrically charge,
these gas can and often are invisible to the human eyes.
12. Cumulus clouds are the great generators of life for
this planet they provide the necessary energy to regenerate the Crytilliom at the Earth core. The rolling motion at
the top of cumulus clouds in the thin atmosphere creates the necessary action for the clouds to absorb electrons and
protons, this enable the clouds to generate electricity.
If clouds absorb electron and protons to fast the cloud
will create an invalanty back blast of electrical energy back up in the earth's highest most atmosphere. The rest
of the cloud will continue to become electrically charge.
When the electricity reaches the lowest point of the
cloud, That point becomes a spark gag between the clouds and the ground giving way to a lightning discharge of
exstemly high electrical energy.
13. Electrical field that surround the terrestrial planet Earth at 35 thousand
Crytrillium comes with awesome responsibility to the human race. It can propel man into space at light speed
to reap the walth and knowledge of new worlds. To walk on plants in other solar systems.
Crytrillium can be unforgiving
if it is used for immoral destructive notion for greed, graft and control of the populace to undermine Crytrillium
ability, it will erase the human race from existence as if we were never there.
From: "Rev. Ivan
nu-monet v6.0 wrote: > [BEGIN REPOST] > >
I am going to attempt to answer the question why > regarding the caves of life on this terrestrial > planet
Earth, and its relationship to the universe.
WHOA! That DOES get off to a bang.
> There is another latent
element, I will call this > element Crytrillium.
If he hadn't, somebody else would have had to.
Crytrillium is a superconductor of electrical energy > of unlimited dimensions. It's the building block of >
the universe, no star system can be formed, no planets > with livable environment can exist, without Crytrillium >
at their core. > > Crytrillium at the Earth's core gets its renewable > energy from lightning, When lightning
sticks the > ground with tremendous magnitude of electrical current > surges down. It travails into the Earth's
depths, to > the core, the Crytrillium absorbs this electrical > energy to it fullest capacity, then the Crytrillium
> expels this energy a million folds to create the > atomic reaction of nuclear fission at the Earth's core.
Whoo doggies. Can't fake this kind of thing.
> > The fact is that molten metals, seeks out and find
> their own semilunar elements, in these metal sphere's > creates these anomaly around Earth, the magnetic >
field around the terrestrial plant Earth and a > electrical field that surround Earth at thrity five > thousand
>9. Molting Lava
> 10. Earth's crest
4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected (Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.) PRABOB
From: Frere Jean Bleu
v6.0" wrote:
>Frere Jean Bleu wrote: >Here is an example of a non-paranoid class "science
>kook", who in real life sprayed too much insecticide. >I asked him to write down his theory, and he did so.
>To be nice about it, I informed him after that his >posts had been "mysteriously deleted from USENET", >so
he had better keep his *secrets* to himself, less >THEY menace him in some way. It made his whole week. >What
can I say?, I'm a soft touch. > >High marks for creativity and degree of difficulty, >though points lost
for lack of mathematical/numerology >diatribe with lots of exclamation points. > >Paranoia N/A, as he
didn't want to "clutter" his work >with accusations. Pity.
Heh classic thanks!
BTW here's the Crackpot
Index at John Baez's .edu web area. There was a good article to do with "Ether Theory" on the Meriton College Oxford that
isn't available on Google but I cut and pasted from the cache.
Crackpot Index John Baez
A simple method for rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics: A
-5 point starting credit. 1 point for every statement that is widely agreed on to be false. 2 points for every statement
that is clearly vacuous. 3 points for every statement that is logically inconsistent. 5 points for each such statement
that is adhered to despite careful correction. 5 points for using a thought experiment that contradicts the results
of a widely accepted real experiment. 5 points for each word in all capital letters (except for those with defective
keyboards). 5 points for each mention of "Einstien", "Hawkins" or "Feynmann". 10 points for each claim that quantum
mechanics is fundamentally misguided (without good evidence). 10 points for pointing out that you have gone to school,
as if this were evidence of sanity. 10 points for beginning the description of your theory by saying how long
you have been working on it. 10 points for mailing your theory to someone you don't know personally and asking them
not to tell anyone else about it, for fear that your ideas will be stolen. 10 points for offering prize money to anyone
who proves and/or finds any flaws in your theory. 10 points for each new term you invent and use without properly
defining it. 10 points for each statement along the lines of "I'm not good at math, but my theory is conceptually
right, so all I need is for someone to express it in terms of equations". 10 points for arguing that a current well-established
theory is "only a theory", as if this were somehow a point against it. 10 points for arguing that while a current
well-established theory predicts phenomena correctly, it doesn't explain "why" they occur, or fails to provide a "mechanism".
10 points for each favorable comparison of yourself to Einstein, or claim that special or general relativity are fundamentally
misguided (without good evidence). 10 points for claiming that your work is on the cutting edge of a "paradigm
shift". 20 points for emailing me and complaining about the crackpot index, e.g. saying that it "suppresses original
thinkers" or saying that I misspelled "Einstein" in item 8. 20 points for suggesting that you deserve a Nobel prize.
20 points for each favorable comparison of yourself to Newton or claim that classical mechanics is fundamentally misguided
(without good evidence). 20 points for every use of science fiction works or myths as if they were fact. 20
points for defending yourself by bringing up (real or imagined) ridicule accorded to your past theories. 20 points
for each use of the phrase "hidebound reactionary". 20 points for each use of the phrase "self-appointed defender of the
orthodoxy". 30 points for suggesting that a famous figure secretly disbelieved in a theory which he or she publicly
supported. (E.g., that Feynman was a closet opponent of special relativity, as deduced by reading between the lines
in his freshman physics textbooks.) 30 points for suggesting that Einstein, in his later years, was groping his way
towards the ideas you now advocate. 30 points for claiming that your theories were developed by an extraterrestrial
civilization (without good evidence). 30 points for allusions to a delay in your work while you spent time in an asylum,
or references to the psychiatrist who tried to talk you out of your theory. 40 points for comparing those who argue
against your ideas to Nazis, stormtroopers, or brownshirts. 40 points for claiming that the "scientific establishment"
is engaged in a "conspiracy" to prevent your work from gaining its well-deserved fame, or suchlike. 40 points
for comparing yourself to Galileo, suggesting that a modern-day Inquisition is hard at work on your case, and so on. 40
points for claiming that when your theory is finally appreciated, present-day science will be seen for the sham it truly
is. (30 more points for fantasizing about show trials in which scientists who mocked your theories will be forced
to recant.) 50 points for claiming you have a revolutionary theory but giving no concrete testable predictions.
genuine crackpot responds Every time that someone such as myself discovers a revolutionary theory we're automatically
branded CRACKPOT. This is not surprising. The scientific establishment has much to lose. That's why they send out
their Inquisitors, like Mr. Nettles. But let us not be deterred, my fellow revolutionaries. We are in good company. Gallileo
was persecuted too. Einstein was ridiculed too. It's rather ironic that it was the Nazis who attacked Einstein. The
scientific establishment has become much like the Nazis. It's a shame that Einstein was so wrong. At least he conceeded
that quantum theory was wrong. Of course the scientific establishment will deny this. Label us CRACKPOTS. Today's
quantum theory is little more than a series of ad hoc epicycles introduced to save a failed theory. Not that Newton's
theories were any better. Consider the following thought experiment. Take two objects of equal surface area but different
mass and drop them from a great height. According to Newton these objects will fall at the same rate. This is nonsensical.
Luckily my ETHER THEORY correctly predicts that the objects will fall at different rates. That's the beauty of
it--it unifies all the forces of nature. I arrived at my theory soon after I graduated with my BS in physics. Although
I deserve a Nobel Prize I know I will not receive one simply because my name isn't followed by Ph.D. I expect to be ridiculed
for my theory, as I have been in the past. This simply proves that I'm right. In conclusion I'd just like to say that
I always lie.
OCTOBER 27, 2006
This report
says the engery of the universe cannot support the time length of The Planet Earth.....So how can we still be here....It is
as thought we have pasted the end of time....
Your continued donations keep Wikipedia running! History of Earth
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For the history of human beings on Earth, see
“History of the world”.
The planet Earth, photographed in the year 1972.The history of Earth covers approximately
4.567 billion years (4,567,000,000 years), from Earth’s formation out of the solar nebula to the present. This article
presents a broad overview, summarizing the leading scientific theories. Due to the difficulty of comprehending very large
amounts of time, the analogy of a single 24-hour period will be used, beginning exactly 4.567 billion years ago, at the formation
of Earth, and ending now. Each second of this period represents approximately 53,000 years. The Big Bang and origin of the
universe, estimated at occurring 13.7 billion years ago,[1] is equivalent to taking place almost three days ago—two
whole days before our clock began to tick.
Contents [hide] 1 Origin 2 Moon 3 The Hadean eon 4 Beginnings
of life 5 The first cell 6 Photosynthesis and oxygen 7 Endosymbiosis and the three domains of life 8 Multicellularity
9 Colonization of land 10 Humanity 11 Civilization 12 Recent events 13 See also 14 References 15
External links
Artist’s impression of a protoplanetary disc
forming around a binary star system.Main articles: Formation and evolution of the solar system and Planet#Planetary formation
Earth formed as part of the birth of the solar system: what eventually became the solar system initially existed as a
large, rotating cloud of dust and gas. It was composed of hydrogen and helium produced in the Big Bang, as well as heavier
elements produced by stars long gone. Then, about 4.6 billion years ago (fifteen to thirty minutes before our imaginary clock
started), a nearby star probably became a supernova. The explosion sent a shock wave toward the solar nebula and caused it
to contract. As the cloud continued to rotate, gravity and inertia flattened the cloud into a proto-planetary disc, perpendicular
to its axis of rotation. Most of the mass concentrated in the middle and began to heat up. The impossibility of kinetic heat,
produced by the infall of matter escaping caused the centre to heat up sufficiently to enable the centre of the concentration
to produce its own internal heat source through nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium, starting as a T Tauri star, our early
sun. Meanwhile, as gravity caused matter to condense around dust particles, the rest of the disc started to break up into
rings. Small fragments collided and became larger fragments.[2] These included one collection approximately 150 million kilometers
from the center: Earth. As the Sun condensed and heated, fusion began, and the resulting T Tauri solar wind cleared out most
of the material in the disc that had not already condensed into larger bodies.
Animation (not
to scale) of Theia forming in Earth’s L5 point and then, perturbed by gravity, colliding to help form the moon. The
animation progresses in one-year steps making Earth appear not to move. The view is of the south pole.Main articles: Moon#Origin
and history and Giant impact hypothesis The origin of the Moon is still uncertain, although much evidence exists for the
giant impact hypothesis. Earth may not have been the only planet forming 150 million kilometers from the Sun. It is hypothesized
that another collection occurred 150 million kilometers from both the Sun and the Earth, at the fourth or fifth Lagrangian
point. This planet, named Theia, is thought to have been smaller than the current Earth, probably about the size and mass
of Mars. Its orbit may at first have been stable but destabilized as Earth increased its mass by the accretion of more and
more material. Theia swung back and forth relative to Earth until, finally, an estimated 4.533 billion years ago (perhaps
12:05 a.m. on our clock),[3] it collided at a low, oblique angle. The low speed and angle were not enough to destroy Earth,
but a large portion of its crust was ejected. Heavier elements from Theia sank to Earth’s core, while the remaining
material and ejecta condensed into a single body within a couple of weeks. Under the influence of its own gravity, this became
a more spherical body: the Moon.[4] The impact is also thought to have changed Earth’s axis to produce the large 23.5°
axial tilt that is responsible for Earth’s seasons. (A simple, ideal model of the planets’ origins would have
axial tilts of 0° with no recognizable seasons.) It may also have sped up Earth’s rotation and initiated the planet’s
plate tectonics.
The Hadean eon Main article: Hadean
Volcanic eruptions would have been common in
Earth's early days.The early Earth, during the very early Hadean eon, was very different from the world known today. There
were no oceans and no oxygen in the atmosphere. It was bombarded by planetoids and other material left over from the formation
of the solar system. This bombardment, combined with heat from radioactive breakdown, residual heat, and heat from the pressure
of contraction, caused the planet at this stage to be fully molten. Heavier elements sank to the center while lighter ones
rose to the surface, producing Earth's various layers (see "Structure of the Earth"). Earth's early atmosphere would have
comprised surrounding material from the solar nebula, especially light gases such as hydrogen and helium, but the solar wind
and Earth's own heat would have driven off this atmosphere.
This changed when Earth was about 40% its present radius,
and gravitational attraction allowed the retention of an atmosphere which included water. Temperatures plummeted and the crust
of the planet was accumulated on a solid surface, with areas melted by large impacts on the scale of decades to hundreds of
years between impact. Large impacts would have caused localized melting and partial differentiation, with some lighter elements
on the surface or released to the moist atmosphere. [5]
The surface cooled quickly, forming the solid crust within
150 million years (around 12:45 a.m. on our clock).[6] From 4 to 3.8 billion years ago (around 3 to 4 a.m.), Earth underwent
a period of heavy asteroidal bombardment.[7] Steam escaped from the crust while more gases were released by volcanoes, completing
the second atmosphere. Additional water was imported by bolide collisions, probably from asteroids ejected from the outer
asteroid belt under the influence of Jupiter's gravity. The planet cooled. Clouds formed. Rain gave rise to the oceans within
750 million years (3.8 billion years ago, around 4:00 a.m. on our clock), but probably earlier. (Recent evidence suggests
the oceans may have begun forming by 4.2 billion years ago-1:50 a.m. on our clock.)[8] The new atmosphere probably contained
ammonia, methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, as well as smaller amounts of other gases. Any free oxygen would
have been bound by hydrogen or minerals on the surface. Volcanic activity was intense and, without an ozone layer to hinder
its entry, ultraviolet radiation flooded the surface.
Beginnings of life
replicator in virtually all known life is deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is far more complex than the original replicator
and its replication systems are highly elaborate.Main article: Origin of life The details of the origin of life are unknown,
though the broad principles have been established. A minority of scientists believes that life, or at least organic components,
may have arrived on Earth from space (see “Panspermia”); the mechanisms by which life would
initially arise are nevertheless believed to be similar to those of life with terrestrial origins.
[9] Most scientists believe that life arose on Earth, but the timing of this event is highly speculative—perhaps
it arose around 4 billion years ago (around 3:00 a.m. on our clock).[
10] Somehow, in the energetic chemistry of early Earth, a molecule (or even something else) gained
the ability to make copies of itself–the replicator.
The nature of this molecule is unknown, its function having long since been superseded by
life’s current replicator, DNA.
In making copies of itself, the replicator did not always perform accurately: some copies contained
an “error.”
If the change destroyed the copying ability of the molecule, there could be no more copies, and the line
would “die out.” On the other hand, a few rare changes might make the molecule replicate faster or better: those
“strains” would become more numerous and “successful.” As choice raw materials (“food”)
became depleted, strains which could exploit different materials, or perhaps halt the progress of other strains and steal
their resources, became more numerous.[11]
Several different models have been proposed explaining how
a replicator might have developed.
Different replicators have been posited, including organic chemicals such as modern proteins
of nucleic acids, phospholipids, crystals,
[12] or even quantum systems.
[13] There is currently no method of determining which of these models, if any, closely fits the origin of life
on Earth. One of the older theories, and one which has been worked out in some detail, will serve as an example of how this
might occur. The high energy from volcanoes, lightning, and ultraviolet radiation could help drive chemical reactions producing
more complex molecules from simple compounds such as methane and ammonia.
[14] Among these were many of the relatively simple organic compounds that are the
building blocks of life. As the amount of this “organic soup” increased, different
molecules reacted with one another. Sometimes more complex molecules would result—perhaps clay provided a framework
to collect and concentrate organic material.
[15] The presence of certain molecules could speed up a chemical reaction. All this continued for a very long
time, with reactions occurring more or less at random, until by chance there arose a new molecule: the replicator.
This had the bizarre property of promoting the chemical reactions which produced a copy of itself, and evolution proper began.
Other theories posit a different replicator. In any case, DNA took over the function of the replicator at some point; all
known life (with the exception of some viruses and prions) use DNA as their replicator, in an almost identical manner (see
genetic code).
The first cell
A small section
of a cell membrane. This modern cell membrane is far more sophisticated than the original simple phospholipid bilayer (the
small blue spheres with two tails). Proteins and carbohydrates serve various functions in regulating the
passage of material through the membrane and in reacting to the environment.Modern life has its replicating material packaged
neatly inside a cellular membrane. It is easier to understand the origin of the cell membrane than the origin
of the replicator, since the phospholipid molecules that make up a cell membrane will often form a bilayer spontaneously
when placed in water. Under certain conditions, many such spheres can be formed (see “The bubble theory”).[16]
It is not known whether this process preceded or succeeded the origin of the replicator (or perhaps it was the replicator).
The prevailing theory is that the replicator, perhaps RNA by this point (the RNA world hypothesis), along with its replicating
apparatus and maybe other biomolecules, had already evolved. Initial protocells may have simply burst when they grew too large;
the scattered contents may then have recolonized other “bubbles.” Proteins that stabilized the membrane, or that
later assisted in an orderly division, would have promoted the proliferation of those cell lines. RNA is a likely candidate
for an early replicator since it can both store genetic information and catalyze reactions. At some point DNA took over the
genetic storage role from RNA, and proteins known as enzymes took over the catalysis role, leaving RNA to transfer information
and modulate the process. There is increasing belief that these early cells may have evolved in association with underwater
volcanic vents known as “black smokers”.
[17] or even hot, deep rocks.[
18] However, it is believed that out of this multiplicity of cells, or protocells, only one survived. Current
evidence suggests that the last universal common ancestor lived during the early Archean eon, perhaps roughly
3.5 billion years ago (5:30 a.m. on our imaginary clock) or earlier.
[19],[20] This “LUCA” cell is the ancestor of all cells and hence all life on Earth. It was
probably a prokaryote, possessing a cell membrane and probably ribosomes, but lacking a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. Like all modern cells, it used DNA as its genetic code, RNA for information transfer
and protein synthesis, and enzymes to catalyze reactions. Some scientists believe that instead of a single organism being
the last universal common ancestor, there were populations of organisms exchanging genes in lateral gene transfer.[19]
Photosynthesis and oxygen
The harnessing of the sun’s energy led to several major changes in life
on Earth.It is likely that the initial cells were all heterotrophs, using surrounding organic molecules (including those from
other cells) as raw material and an energy source.
[21] As the food supply diminished, a new strategy evolved in some cells. Instead of relying on the diminishing
amounts of free-existing organic molecules, these cells adopted sunlight as an energy source. Estimates vary, but by about
3 billion years ago
[22] (around 8:00 a.m. on our clock), something similar to modern photosynthesis had
probably developed. This made the sun’s energy available not only to autotrophs but also to the heterotrophs that consumed
them. Photosynthesis used the plentiful carbon dioxide and water as raw materials and, with the energy of sunlight, produced
energy-rich organic molecules (carbohydrates).
Moreover, oxygen was produced as a waste product of photosynthesis.
At first it became bound up with limestone, iron, and other minerals. There is substantial proof of this in iron-oxide rich
layers in geological strata that correspond with this time period. The oceans would have turned to a green color while oxygen
was reacting with minerals. When the reactions stopped, oxygen could finally enter the atmosphere. Though each cell only produced
a minute amount
The history of the world, by convention, is human history, from the first appearance of Homo sapiens to the present. Human history is marked both by a gradual accretion of discoveries and inventions, as well as by quantum leaps — paradigm shifts, and revolutions — that comprise epochs in the material and spiritual evolution of humankind.
Human history, as opposed to prehistory, has in the past been said to begin with the invention, independently at several sites on Earth, of writing, which created the infrastructure for lasting, accurately transmitted memories and thus for the diffusion and growth of knowledge.[1] Writing, in its turn, had been made necessary in the wake of the Agricultural Revolution, which had given rise to civilization, i.e., to permanent settled communities, which fostered a growing diversity of trades.
Such scattered habitations, centered about life-sustaining bodies of water — rivers and lakes — coalesced over time into ever larger units, in parallel with the evolution of ever more efficient means
of transport. These processes of coalescence, spurred by rivalries and conflicts between adjacent communities, gave rise over millennia to ever larger states, and then to superstates or empires. In Europe, the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 CE) is commonly taken as signaling the end of antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages.
A thousand years later, in the mid-15th century, Johannes Gutenberg's invention of modern printing, employing movable type, revolutionized communication, helping end the Middle Ages and usher in modern times, the European Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution.
By the 18th century, the accumulation of knowledge and technology, especially in Europe, had reached a critical mass that sparked into existence the Industrial Revolution. Over the quarter-millennium since, the growth of knowledge, technology, commerce, and — concomitantly with these — the potential destructiveness of war has accelerated geometrically, creating the opportunities and perils that now confront the human communities that together inhabit the planet.
"Paleolithic" means "Old Stone Age." This was the earliest period of the Stone Age. The Lower Paleolithic predates Homo sapiens, beginning with Homo habilis and the earliest use of stone tools some 2.5 million years ago. Homo sapiens originated some 200,000 years ago, ushering in the Middle Paleolithic.
Sometime during the Middle Paleolithic, humans also developed language, music, early art, as well as systematic burial of the dead.
Humans spread from East Africa to the Near East some 80 millennia ago, and further to southern
Asia and Australasia some 60 millennia ago, northwestwards into Europe and eastwards into Central Asia some 40 millennia ago, and further east to the Americas from ca. 30 millennia ago. The Upper Paleolithic is taken to begin some 40 millennia ago, with the appearance of "high" culture. Expansion to
North America and Oceania took place at the climax of the most recent Ice Age, when today's temperate regions were extremely inhospitable. By the end of the Ice Age some 12,000
BP, humans had colonised nearly all the ice-free parts of the globe.
Throughout the Paleolithic, humans generally lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers. Hunter-gatherer societies have tended to be very small and egalitarian, though hunter-gatherer societies with
abundant resources or advanced food-storage techniques have sometimes developed a sedentary lifestyle, complex social structures
such as chiefdoms, and social stratification; and long-distance contacts may be possible, as in the case of Indigenous Australian "highways."
The "Mesolithic," or "Middle Stone Age" (from the Greek "mesos," "middle," and "lithos," "stone") was a period in the development of human technology between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods of the Stone Age.
The Mesolithic period began at the end of the Pleistocene epoch, some 10,000 BP, and ended with the introduction of agriculture, the date of which varied by geographic region. In some areas, such as the Near East, agriculture was already underway by the end of the Pleistocene, and there the Mesolithic is short and poorly defined. In areas with limited glacial impact, the term "Epipaleolithic" is sometimes preferred.
Regions that experienced greater environmental effects as the last ice age ended have a much more evident Mesolithic era, lasting millennia. In Northern Europe, societies
were able to live well on rich food supplies from the marshlands fostered by the warmer climate. Such conditions produced
distinctive human behaviours which are preserved in the material record, such as the Maglemosian and Azilian cultures. These conditions also delayed the coming of the Neolithic until as late as 4000 BCE (6,000 BP) in northern Europe.
Remains from this period are few and far between, often limited to middens. In forested areas, the first signs of deforestation have been found, although this would only begin in earnest during the Neolithic, when more space was needed for agriculture.
The Mesolithic is characterized in most areas by small composite flint tools — microliths and microburins. Fishing tackle, stone adzes and wooden objects, e.g. canoes and bows, have been found at some sites. These technologies first occur in Africa, associated with the Azilian cultures, before spreading to Europe through the Ibero-Maurusian culture of Spain and Portugal, and the Kebaran culture of Palestine. Independent discovery is not always ruled out.
During the Mesolithic as in the preceding Paleolithic period, people lived in small (mostly egalitarian) bands and tribes.
Rise of agriculture
A major change, described by prehistorian Vere Gordon Childe as the "Agricultural Revolution," occurred about the 10th millennium BCE with the adoption of agriculture. The Sumerians first began farming ca. 9500 BCE. By 7000 BCE, agriculture had spread to India; by 6000 BCE, to Egypt; by 5000 BCE, to China. About 2700 BCE, agriculture had come to Mesoamerica.
Although attention has tended to concentrate on the Middle East's Fertile Crescent, archaeology in the Americas, East Asia and Southeast Asia indicates that agricultural systems, using different crops and animals, may in some cases have
developed there nearly as early. the development of organised irrigation, and the use of a specialised workforce, by the Sumerians, began about 5500 BCE. Stone was supplanted by bronze and iron in implements of agriculture and
warfare. Agricultural settlements had until then been almost completely dependent on stone tools. In Eurasia, copper and bronze tools, decorations and weapons began to be commonplace about 3000 BCE. After bronze, the Eastern
Mediterranean region, Middle East and China saw the introduction of iron tools and weapons.
The Americas may not have had metal tools until the Chavín horizon (900 BCE). The Moche did have metal armor, knives and tableware. Even the metal-poor Inca had metal-tipped plows, at least after the conquest of Chimor. However, little archaeological research has so far been done in Peru, and nearly all the khipus (recording devices, in the form of knots, used by the Incas) were burned in the Spanish conquest of Peru. As late as 2004, entire cities were still being unearthed. Some digs suggest that steel may have been produced there before it was developed in Europe.
The cradles of early civilizations were river valleys, such as the Euphrates and Tigris valleys in Mesopotamia, the Nile valley in Egypt, the Indus valley in the Indian subcontinent, and the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys in China. Some nomadic peoples, such as the Indigenous Australians and the Bushmen of southern Africa, did not practice agriculture until relatively recent times.
Before 1800, many populations did not belong to states. Scientists disagree as to whether the term "tribe" should be applied to the kinds of societies that these people lived in. Many tribal societies,
in Europe and elsewhere, transformed into states when they were threatened, or otherwise impinged on, by existing states.
Examples are the Marcomanni, Poland and Lithuania. Some "tribes," such as the Kassites and the Manchus, conquered states and were absorbed by them.
Agriculture made possible complex societies — civilizations. States and markets emerged. Technologies enhanced people's ability to control nature and to develop transport and communication.
Main articles: State and Civilization
The first Agricultural Revolution led to several major changes. It permitted far denser populations, which in time organised into
states. There are several definitions for the term, "state." Max Weber and Norbert Elias defined a state as an organization of people that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force
in a particular geographic area.
Borders delineate states — a prominent example is the Great Wall of China, which stretches over 6,400 km, and was first erected in the 3rd century BCE to protect the north
from nomadic invaders. It has since been rebuilt and augmented several times.
The first states appeared in Mesopotamia, western Iran, ancient Egypt and Indus Valley in the late 4th and early 3rd millennia BCE.[citation needed] In Bronze Age Mesopotamia and Iran, there were several city-states. Ancient Egypt began as a state without cities, but soon developed them. States appeared in China in the late 3rd and early 2nd millennia BCE.
A state ordinarily needs an army for the legitimate exercise of force. An army needs a bureaucracy to maintain it. The only exception to this appears to have been the Indus Valley civilization, for which there is no evidence of the existence of a military force.
Major wars were waged among states in the Middle East. About 1275 BCE, the Hittites under Muwatalli II and the Egyptians under Ramesses II concluded the treaty of Kadesh, the world's oldest recorded peace treaty.[2]
Empires came into being, with conquered areas ruled by central tribes, as in the Neo-Assyrian Empire (10th century BCE), the Achaemenid Persian Empire (6th century BCE), the Mauryan Empire (4th century BCE), Qin and Han China (3rd century BCE), and the Roman Empire (1st century BCE).
Clashes among empires included those that took place in the 8th century, when the Islamic Caliphate of Arabia (ruling from Spain to Iran) and China's Tang dynasty (ruling from Xinjiang to Korea) fought for decades for control of Central Asia.
The largest contiguous land empire in history was the 13th-century Mongolian Empire. By then, most people in Europe, Asia and North Africa belonged to states. There were states
as well in Mexico and western South America. States controlled more and more of the world's territory and population; the last "empty" territories,
with the exception of uninhabited Antarctica, would be divided up among states by the Berlin Conference (1884-1885).
City and trade
Main articles: City and Trade
Agriculture also created, and allowed for the storage of, food surpluses that could support people not directly engaged in food production. The development of agriculture
permitted the creation of the first cities. These were centers of trade, manufacture and political power with nearly no agricultural production of their own. Cities established a symbiosis with their surrounding countrysides, absorbing agricultural products and providing, in return, manufactures and varying degrees of
military protection.
The development of cities equated, both etymologically and in fact, with the rise of civilization itself: first Sumerian civilization, in lower Mesopotamia (3500 BCE), followed by Egyptian civilization along the Nile (3300 BCE) and Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley (3300 BCE). Elaborate cities grew up, with high levels of social and economic complexity. Each
of these civilizations was so different from the others that they almost certainly originated independently. It was at this
time, and due to the needs of cities, that writing and extensive trade were introduced.
The earliest known form of writing was cuneiform script, created by the Sumerians from ca. 3000 BC. Cuneiform writing began as a system of pictographs. Over time, the pictorial representations became simplified and more abstract. Cuneiforms were
written on clay tablets, on which symbols were drawn with a blunt reed for a stylus. The first alphabets were used in the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1500 BCE). From them evolved the Phoenician alphabet, used for the writing of Phoenician. The Phoenician alphabet is the ancestor of many of the writing systems used today.
In China, proto-urban societies may have developed from 2500 BCE, but the first dynasty to
be identified by archeology is the Shang Dynasty.
The 2nd millennium BCE saw the emergence of civilization in Caanan, Crete, mainland Greece, and central Turkey.
Trading routes used around the 1st century CE were centered on the Silk Road.
In the Americas, civilizations such as the Maya, Zapotec, Moche, and Nazca emerged in Mesoamerica and Peru at the end of the 1st millennium BCE.
The world's first coinage was introduced around 625 BC in Lydia (western Anatolia, in modern Turkey).[3]
Trade routes appeared in the eastern Mediterranean in the 4th millennium BCE. Long-range trade routes first appeared in the 3rd millennium BCE,
when Sumerians in Mesopotamia traded with the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley. The Silk Road between China and Syria began in the 2nd millennium BCE. Cities in Central Asia and Persia were major crossroads of these trade routes. The Phoenician and Greek civilizations founded trade-based empires in the Mediterranean basin in the 1st millennium BCE.
In the late 1st millennium CE and early 2nd millennium CE, the Arabs dominated the trade routes in the Indian Ocean, East Asia, and the Sahara. In the late 1st millennium, Arabs and Jews dominated trade in the Mediterranean. In the early 2nd millennium, Italians took over this role, and Flemish and German cities were at the center of trade routes in northern Europe controlled by the Hanseatic League. In all areas, major cities developed at crossroads along trade routes.
Religion and philosophy
New philosophies and religions arose in both east and west, particularly about the 6th century BCE. Over time, a great variety
of religions developed around the world, with some of the earliest major ones being Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism in India, and Zoroastrianism in Persia. The Abrahamic religions trace their origin to Judaism, around 1800 BCE.
In the east, three schools of thought were to dominate Chinese thinking until the modern day. These were Taoism, Legalism and Confucianism. The Confucian tradition, which would attain dominance, looked for political morality not to the force of law but to the power and example of tradition.
In the west, the Greek philosophical tradition, represented by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, was diffused throughout Europe and the Middle East in the 4th century BCE by the conquests of Alexander III of Macedon, more commonly known as Alexander the Great.
Civilizations and regions
By the last centuries BCE, the Mediterranean, the Ganges River and the Yellow River had become seats of empires which future rulers would seek to emulate. In India, the Mauryan Empire ruled most of southern Asia, while the Pandyas ruled southern India. In China, the Qin and Han dynasties extended their imperial governance through political unity, improved communications and Emperor Wu's establishment of state monopolies.
In the west, the ancient Greeks established a civilization that is considered by most historians to be the foundational culture
of modern western civilization. Some centuries later, in the 3rd century BCE, the Romans began expanding their territory through conquest and colonisation. By the reign of Emperor Augustus (late 1st century BCE), Rome controlled all the lands surrounding the Mediterranean. By the reign
of Emperor Trajan (early 2nd century CE), Rome controlled much of the land from England to Mesopotamia.
The great empires depended on military annexation of territory and on the formation of defended settlements to become agricultural centres. The
relative peace that the empires brought, encouraged international trade, most notably the massive trade routes in the Mediterranean that had been developed by the time of the Hellenistic Age, and the Silk Road.
The empires faced common problems associated with maintaining huge armies and supporting a
central bureaucracy. These costs fell most heavily on the peasantry, while land-owning magnates were increasingly able to evade centralised control and its costs. The pressure of barbarians on the frontiers hastened the process of internal dissolution. China's Han Empire fell into civil war in 220 CE, while its Roman counterpart became increasingly decentralised and divided about the same time.
Throughout the temperate zones of Eurasia, America and North Africa, empires continued to rise and fall.
The gradual break-up of the Roman Empire, spanning several centuries after the 2nd century CE, coincided with the spread of Christianity westward from the Middle East. The western Roman Empire fell under the domination of Germanic tribes in the 5th century, and these polities gradually developed into a number of warring states, all associated in one way or another with
the Roman Catholic Church. The remaining part of the Roman Empire, in the eastern Mediterranean, would henceforth be the
Byzantine Empire. Centuries later, a limited unity would be restored to western Europe through the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire in 962, which comprised a number of states in what is now Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and France.
In China, dynasties would similarly rise and fall. After the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the demise of the Three Kingdoms, Nomadic tribes from the north began to invade in the 4th century CE, eventually conquering areas of Northern
China and setting up many small kingdoms. The Sui Dynasty reunified China in 581, and under the succeeding Tang Dynasty (618-907) China entered a second golden age. The Tang Dynasty also splintered, however, and after half a century of turmoil the Northern Song Dynasty reunified China in 982. Yet pressure from nomadic empires to the north became increasingly urgent. North China was lost to the Jurchens in 1141, and the Mongol Empire conquered all of China in 1279, as well as almost all of Eurasia's landmass, missing only central and western Europe, and most of Southeast Asia and Japan.
In these times, northern India was ruled by the Guptas. In southern India, three prominent Dravidian kingdoms emerged: Cheras, Cholas and Pandyas. The ensuing stability contributed to heralding in the golden age of Hindu culture in the 4th and 5th centuries CE.
At this time also, in Central America, vast societies also began to be built, the most notable being the Maya and Aztecs of Mesoamerica. As the mother culture of the Olmecs gradually declined, the great Mayan city-states slowly rose in number and prominence, and Maya culture spread throughout Yucatán and surrounding areas. The later empire of the Aztecs was built on neighboring cultures and was influenced by conquered peoples such as the Toltecs.
In South America, the 14th and 15th centuries saw the rise of the Inca. The Inca Empire of Tawantinsuyu, with its capital at Cusco, spanned the entire Andes Mountain Range. The Inca were prosperous and advanced, known for an excellent road system and unrivaled masonry.
Islam, which began in 7th century Arabia, was also one of the most remarkable forces in world history, growing from a handful of adherents
to become the foundation of a series of empires in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, India and present-day Indonesia.
In northeastern Africa, Nubia and Ethiopia remained Christian enclaves while the rest of Africa north of the equator converted to Islam. With Islam came new technologies that, for the first time, allowed substantial trade to cross
the Sahara. Taxes on this trade brought prosperity to North Africa, and the rise of a series of kingdoms in the Sahel.
This period in the history of the world was marked by slow but steady technological advances,
with important developments such as the stirrup and moldboard plow arriving every few centuries. There were, however, in some regions, periods of rapid technological
progress. Most important, perhaps, was the Mediterranean area during the Hellenistic period, when hundreds of technologies were invented. Such periods were followed by periods of technological
decay, as during the Roman Empire's decline and fall and the ensuing early medieval period.
The Plague of Justinian was a pandemic that afflicted the Byzantine Empire, including its capital Constantinople, in the years 541–542 AD. It is estimated that the Plague of Justinian killed as many as 100 million people across the
world.[4][5] It caused Europe's population to drop by around 50% between 541 and 700.[6] It also may have contributed to the success of the Arab conquests.[7][8]
Rise of Europe
The invention of the movable-type printing press in 1450s Germany was awarded #1 of the Top 100 Greatest Events of the Millennium by LIFE Magazine. By some estimates, less than 50 years after the first Bible was printed in 1455, more than nine million books were in print.
Nearly all the agricultural civilizations were heavily constrained by their environments. Productivity remained low, and climatic changes easily instigated boom and bust cycles that brought about civilizations' rise and fall. By about 1500, however, there was a qualitative
change in world history. Technological advance and the wealth generated by trade gradually brought about a widening of possibilities.
Even before the 16th century, some civilizations had developed advanced societies. In ancient times, the Greeks and Romans had produced societies supported by a developed monetary economy, with financial markets and private-property rights. These institutions created the conditions for continuous capital accumulation, with increased productivity. By some estimates, the per-capita income of Roman Italy, one of the most advanced regions of
the Roman Empire, was comparable to the per-capita incomes of the most advanced economies in the 18th century.
(see [1]) The most developed regions of classical civilization were more urbanized than any other region of the world until early modern times. This civilization had, however,
gradually declined and collapsed; historians still debate the causes.
China had developed an advanced monetary economy by 1,000 CE. China had a free peasantry who were no longer subsistence farmers, and could sell their produce and actively participate
in the market. The agriculture was highly productive and China's society was highly urbanized. The country was technologically
advanced as it enjoyed a monopoly in piston bellows and printing. (see Joseph Needham). But, after earlier onslaughts by the Jurchens, in 1279 the remnants of the Sung empire were conquered by the Mongols.
Outwardly, Europe's Renaissance, beginning in the 14th century, consisted in the rediscovery of the classical world's scientific contributions, and in the economic and social rise of Europe. But the Renaissance also engendered a culture of inquisitiveness which ultimately led to Humanism, the Scientific Revolution, and finally the great transformation of the Industrial Revolution. The Scientific Revolution in the 17th century, however, had no immediate impact on technology; only in the second half of the 18th century did scientific advances begin to be applied to practical
The advantages that Europe had developed by the mid-18th century were two: an entrepreneurial culture, and the wealth generated by the Atlantic trade (including the African slave trade). By the late 16th century, American silver accounted for one-fifth of Spain's total budget.[9] The profits of the slave trade and of West Indian plantations amounted to 5% of the British economy at the time of the Industrial Revolution.[10] While some historians conclude that, in 1750, labour productivity in the most developed regions of China was still on a par with that of Europe's Atlantic economy (see Wolfgang Keller and Carol Shiue), other historians like Angus Maddison hold that the per-capita productivity of western Europe had by the late Middle Ages surpassed that of all other regions.[11]
A number of explanations are proffered as to why, from the late Middle Ages on, Europe rose
to surpass other civilizations, become the home of the Industrial Revolution, and dominate the world. Max Weber argued that it was due to a Protestant work ethic that encouraged Europeans to work harder and longer than others. Another socioeconomic explanation
looks to demographics: Europe, with its celibate clergy, colonial emigration, high-mortality urban centers, periodic famines and outbreaks of the Black Death, continual warfare, and late age of marriage had far more restrained population growth, compared to Asian cultures. A relative shortage of labour meant that surpluses could be invested
in labour-saving technological advances such as water-wheels and mills, spinners and looms, steam engines and shipping, rather than fueling population growth.
Many have also argued that Europe's institutions were superior, that property rights and free-market economics were stronger than elsewhere due to an ideal of freedom peculiar to Europe. In recent years, however, scholars such as Kenneth Pomeranz have challenged this view, although the revisionist approach to world history has also met with
criticism for systematically "downplaying" European achievements.[12]
Europe's geography may also have played an important role. The Middle East, India and China are all ringed by mountains but, once past these outer barriers, are relatively flat. By contrast, the Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines, Carpathians and other mountain ranges run through Europe, and the continent is also divided by several seas. This gave Europe some degree of protection from the peril of Central Asian invaders. Before the era of firearms, these nomads were militarily superior to the agricultural
states on the periphery of the Eurasian continent and, if they broke out into the plains of northern India or the valleys of China, were
all but unstoppable. These invasions were often devastating. The Golden Age of Islam was ended by the Mongol sack of Baghdad in 1258. India and China were subject to periodic invasions, and Russia spent a couple of centuries under the Mongol-Tatar Yoke. Central and western Europe, logistically more distant from the Central Asian heartland, proved less vulnerable to these threats.
Geography also contributed to important geopolitical differences. For most of their histories, China, India and the Middle East were each unified
under a single dominant power that expanded until it reached the surrounding mountains and deserts. In 1600 the Ottoman Empire controlled almost all the Middle East, the Ming Dynasty ruled China, and the Mughal Empire held sway over India. By contrast, Europe was almost always divided into a number of warring
states. Pan-European empires, with the major exception of the Roman Empire, tended to collapse soon after they arose.
One source of Europe's success is often said to be the intense competition among rival European states. In other regions, stability was often a higher priority than growth. China's growth as a maritime power was halted by the Ming Dynasty's Hai jin ban on ocean-going commerce. In Europe, due to political disunity, a blanket ban of this kind would have been impossible;
had any one state imposed it, that state would quickly have fallen behind its competitors.
Another doubtless important geographic factor in the rise of Europe was the Mediterranean Sea, which, for millennia, had functioned as a maritime superhighway fostering the exchange of goods,
people, ideas and inventions.
By contrast to Europe, in tropical lands the still more ubiquitous diseases and parasites, sapping the strength and health of humans, and of their animals and crops, were socially-disorganizing
factors that impeded progress.
Mercantile dominance
In the fourteenth century, the Renaissance began in Europe. Some modern scholars have questioned whether this flowering of art and Humanism was a benefit to science, but the era did see an important fusion of Arab and European knowledge.
One of the most important developments was the caravel, which combined the Arab lateen sail with European square rigging to create the first vessels that could safely sail the Atlantic Ocean. Along with important developments in navigation, this technology allowed Christopher Columbus in 1492 to journey across the Atlantic Ocean and bridge the gap between Afro-Eurasia and the Americas.
This had dramatic effects on both continents. The Europeans brought with them viral diseases that American natives had never encountered, and uncertain numbers of natives died in
a series of devastating epidemics. The Europeans also had the technological advantage of horses, steel and guns that helped them overpower the Aztec and Incan empires as well as North American cultures.
Gold and resources from the Americas began to be stripped from the land and people and shipped
to Europe, while at the same time large numbers of European colonists began to emigrate to the Americas. To meet the great
demand for labour in the new colonies, the mass import of Africans as slaves began. Soon much of the Americas had a large racial underclass of slaves. In West Africa, a series
of thriving states developed along the coast, becoming prosperous from the exploitation of suffering interior African peoples.
Europe's maritime expansion unsurprisingly — given that continent's geography —
was largely the work of its Atlantic seaboard states: Portugal, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands. The Portuguese and Spanish Empires were at first the predominant conquerors and source of influence, but soon the more northern
English, French and Dutch began to dominate the Atlantic. In a series of wars, fought in the 17th and 18th centuries, culminating with the Napoleonic Wars, Britain emerged as the first world power. It accumulated an empire that spanned the globe, controlling,
at its peak, approximately one-quarter of the world's land surface, on which the "sun never set".
Meanwhile the voyages of Admiral Zheng He were halted by China's Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), established after the expulsion of the Mongols. A Chinese commercial revolution, sometimes described as "incipient capitalism," was also abortive. The Ming Dynasty would eventually fall to the Manchus, whose Qing Dynasty at first oversaw a period of calm and prosperity but would increasingly fall prey to Western
Soon after the invasion of the Americas, Europeans had exerted their technological advantage
as well over the peoples of Asia. In the early 19th century, Britain gained control of the Indian subcontinent, Egypt and the Malay Peninsula; the French took Indochina; while the Dutch occupied the Dutch East Indies. The British also took over several areas still populated by Neolithic peoples, including Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and, as in the Americas, large numbers of British colonists began to emigrate there. In the
late 19th century, the European powers divided the remaining areas of Africa.
This era in Europe saw the Age of Reason lead to the Scientific Revolution, which changed man's understanding of the world and made possible the Industrial Revolution, a major transformation of the world’s economies. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and used new modes of production — the factory, mass production, and mechanisation — to manufacture a wide array of goods faster and for less labour than previously.
The Age of Reason also led to the beginnings of modern democracy in the late-18th century American and French Revolutions. Democracy would grow to have a profound effect on world events and on quality of life.
During the Industrial Revolution, the world economy was soon based on coal, as new methods of transport, such as railways and steamships, effectively shrank the world. Meanwhile, industrial pollution and environmental damage, present since the discovery of fire and the beginning of civilization, accelerated drastically.
Twentieth Century onward
Main article: 20th century
The 20th century opened with Europe at an apex of wealth and power, and with much of the world under its direct colonial control or its indirect domination. Much of the rest of the world was influenced by heavily Europeanized
nations: the United States and Japan. As the century unfolded, however, the global system dominated by rival powers was subjected
to severe strains, and ultimately yielded to a more fluid structure of independent nations organized on Western models.
This transformation was catalyzed by wars of unparalleled scope and devastation. World War I destroyed many of Europe's empires and monarchies, and weakened France and Britain. In its aftermath, powerful ideologies arose. The Russian Revolution of 1917 created the first communist state, while the 1920s and 1930s saw militaristic fascist dictatorships gain control in Italy, Germany, Spain, Japan and elsewhere.
Ongoing national rivalries, exacerbated by the economic turmoil of the Great Depression, helped precipitate World War II. The militaristic dictatorships of Europe and Japan pursued an ultimately doomed course of imperialist expansionism. Their defeat opened the way for the advance of communism into Central Europe, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, China, North Vietnam and North Korea.
Following World War II, in 1945, the United Nations was founded in the hope of allaying conflicts among nations and preventing future wars. The war
had, however, left two nations, the United States and the Soviet Union, with principal power to guide international affairs. Each was suspicious of the other and feared
a global spread of the other's political-economic model. This led to the Cold War, a forty-year stand-off between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies.
With the development of nuclear weapons and the subsequent arms race, all of humanity were put at risk of nuclear war between the two superpowers. Such war being viewed as impractical, proxy wars were instead waged, at the expense of non-nuclear-armed Third World countries.
The Cold War lasted through the ninth decade of the twentieth century, when the Soviet Union's
communist system began to collapse, unable to compete economically with the United States and western Europe; the Soviets'
Central European "satellites" reasserted their national sovereignty, and in 1991 the Soviet Union itself disintegrated. This left the United States for the time being as the "sole remaining superpower," a status
whose permanence came into question as that country's economic supremacy began to show signs of slippage.
In the early postwar decades, the African and Asian colonies of the Belgian, British, Dutch, French and other west European empires won their formal
independence but faced challenges in the form of neocolonialism, poverty, illiteracy and endemic tropical diseases. Many of the Western and Central European nations gradually formed a political and economic community, the European Union, which subsequently expanded eastward to include former Soviet satellites.
The twentieth century saw exponential progress in science and technology, and increased life expectancy and standard of living for much of humanity. As the developed world shifted from a coal-based to a petroleum-based economy, new transport technologies, along with the dawn of the Information Age, led to increased globalization. Space exploration reached throughout the solar system. The structure of DNA, the very template of life, was discovered, and the human genome was sequenced, a major milestone in the understanding of human biology and the treatment of disease. Global literacy rates continued to rise, and the percentage of the world's labor pool needed to produce humankind's food supply continued to drop.
The century saw the development of new global threats, such as nuclear proliferation, epidemics of contagious diseases, environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect and deforestation, and the dwindling of global resources. It witnessed, as well, a dawning awareness of ancient hazards that had probably previously caused
mass extinctions of lifeforms on the planet, such as near-earth asteroids and comets, supervolcano eruptions, and gamma-ray bursts. Meanwhile the life courses of many states continued to be accompanied by wars, with resulting
loss of life, economic devastation, disease, famine and genocide. As of 2008, some 30 ongoing armed conflicts raged in various parts of the world.
As the 20th century yielded to the 21st, it became increasingly clear that Earth's human population was fast becoming lodged in a historic
bottleneck of resource constraints, exacerbated by mounting population and growing environmental degradation. A matter
of particular urgency was the development of more plentiful and safer sources of energy such as renewable energy varieties, and perhaps expanded use of nuclear energy and of "clean" fossil-fuel technologies.
On Sept. 28, 2001, it was reported that archaeologists in Scotland
had discovered evidence of a massive tidal wave that swept across the
North Sea c. 5800 BC. This tidal wave, they say, killed thousands and
caused widespread destruction on the northern coasts of Europe. This
event, they think, severed the British Isles from Europe.
The North Sea event is the same date as the break-through of the
Bosphous and the flooding of the Black Sea. In our reconstruction of
the dates of Genesis (see below), these two upheavals correspond to
time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the flight from Ur
of the Chaldees by Abraham's family.
In the Babylonian King's Lists, this is 3600 years, or one Saros
cycle, after the Flood--a Nibiru 'orbital' cycle. 'Nibiru' means the
"prophet-planet" and is the ancient name for Mercury ("Nebo Ur") in
the Neo-Babylonian empire, called "Adad" in Assyria. The Gilgamesh
Epic described how Adad assaulted the earth during the Deluge. On a
3600-year cycle between close approaches to the earth, Nibiru/Adad/
Mercury would have made another disastrous encounter around 5900 BC.
So the dates of the North Sea calamity and the Black Sea flood and
the revised chronology for the Tower of Babel destruction all occur
at the same time the errant Nibiru/Mercury returned to threaten the
earth. If these events all occurred at once, the implication is that
the earth suffered a planet-wide devastation from an extra-terrestial
source, namely the planet Mercury, in c. 5900 BC.
The January 13th, 2001, SCIENCE NEWS reported a new study of the
Amazon River in Brazil, showing that a huge flood of water poured out
of the Amazon basin into the Atlantic ocean precisely at the time of
Plato's sinking of Atlantis, the same date we have determined was the
Deluge of Noah in Genesis when the Sabbatical cycle is used (as will
be explained below).
British scientist Mark A. Maslin and colleague Stephen J. Burns of
the University of Berne in Switzerland presented their discoveries in
the journal SCIENCE [Dec 22, 2000]. Prior to the Amazon's gushing
c. 11,800-11,700 years ago [Plato's date: 11,600 BP; ours: 11,549 BP]
by their dating, it had discharged barely half the flow it now bears
out to the Atlantic for roughly a thousand years prior to its flooding.
Then, "for a century or so," there was a doubling of the flow, as they
found in a sediment core showing "a brief yet substantial spike" in
the data. This "substantial spike" coincided with the sudden melting
of the Andean ice sheet, but it was far more than can be explained by
the melting alone: A sudden, short burst of increase rain occurred
at the same time, they concluded.
Lawrence H. Robbins of Michigan State University and his team have
documented fishing technology in use in Africa as early as 20,000 BP.
Climatic changes across the African continent show that wet conditions
prevailed from 22,500-to-19,200 BP, matching our "wet" estimate based
on the revised Genesis of 23,140-to-17,740 BP. They then have a "dry"
period from 19,200-to-17,500 BP; we date this as 17,740-to-16,948 BP.
These numbers may not seem the same at first glance, but C-14 dates at
this distance into the past have a 1000-yr error range. Charting the
whole data set reveals how similar the results really are:
1000yrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BP 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOW
U. MI: ..wwwwwwwfww....DwSwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w
Events: wet fishing Shelter IceMelts ffff
(7year EwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwD wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwF Bw wD
cycles)Eden Drought Flood Babel Drought of Joseph
As you can see from the above comparison, the differences are well
within the range of error for C-14 data and do not actually conflict
even without allowing for C-14 errors.
Dr. Robert Schoch's new geological studies of Egyptian monuments
are likely to revolutionize our understanding of ancient history. His
team has found evidence of weathering upon "core structures" INSIDE the
ancient masonry of the Great Pyramid and of many other early Egyptian
edifices. What he has found proves that many of the structures we now
see in Egypt were constructed on top of other, more ancient structures
which had lain exposed to the elements for THOUSANDS OF YEARS prior to
their being covered up by the pyramids of the Old Kingdom.
This implies a radical revision of the history of Egypt. It
means an advanced Egyptian culture--the one that originally
LOCATED these old structures, that aligned them with great
precision to "true north," and that positioned them around
hundreds of square miles of Egyptian desert to mirror the
astrological sign of Orion--had existed THOUSANDS OF YEARS
BEFORE THE OLD KINGDOM, which Egyptologists date to 2500 BC.
Ancient Sumerian civilation's earliest written tablets [which are
nothing but agricultural commodity tokens] date to 3300 BC. The new
findings by Schoch push the high culture of Egypt back to AT LEAST
5000-7000 BC--vastly older than Sumer. This earlier Egytian culture
literally leaves the supposedly "ancient" civilization of Sumer in
the dust...
The true date of Egypt may be far older, Schoch says. He indicates
that the civilation that laid out these grand monuments so precisely
would have alread had a long devleopment time before planning this huge
complex of pyramids. Moreover, he feels his weathering estimates could
be underestimating the time involved.
There is yet another reason for dating this early Egyptian culture
older even than Schoch suspects. Several scholars over the past fifty
years have argued that the date for the Egyptian Old Kingdom--from which
Schoch's dates are extended back in time--could be off by centuries,
or even millennia.
We ourselves have suggested the date of the Old Kingdom may be too
"young" by 1500-2000 years. In 1983, carbon-14 studies of the Great
Pyramid of Giza showed it to be 200-1200 years older than its supposed
date of construction during the Old Kingdom. That meant it might have
been built as early as 3750 BC. But since Egyptologists reject tree-
ring dating (because it pushes their already faulty dates even further
out of alignment), the tree-ring adjusted date of the Great Pyramid may
be older than 4000 BC.
Adjusting Dr. Schoch's recent weathering measurements from the base
structure inside the Pyramid--by adding at least another 1500 years to
its age--we obtain a total date range of 8500-6500 BC for the original
construction and LOCATING of the Great Pyramid. So it was apparently
sited by the Egyptian civilization mentioned in Plato's discussion of
Atlantis, where Egypt is "re-founded" 1000 years after the sinking of
Atlantis in 9600 BC. We now can tie Plato's history to solid rock in
Egypt, with a major part of his story being confirmed: There truly was
an advanced Egyptian civilization founded around 8500 BC. Climatologist
Dr. Cesare Emiliani confirmed in 1973 that Plato's flood date was sound.
Emiliani discovered evidence in sea-core sediments for a sudden global
sea-level rise of c.325 feet around 9600 BC(+/-70yrs)--Plato's date for
the sinking of Atlantis. Emiliani's data proves that, if Atlantis were
real, then it would indeed have been flooded by the ocean at the very
time Plato stated. Plato either relied on genuine history or he made
an astonishingly lucky guess: Within a century of the exact date over
a period of nearly 10,000 years: 99% perfect.
Not only do we now have the dating of Atlantis becoming more credible,
but so is our c. 4000 BC+ dating for the Old Kingdom. In the summer
of 1999, German climatologists confirmed that Egypt and the Middle East
had endured a sudden great drought and famine in the 4500-4000 BC time
period. This date ties in perfectly with the new tree-ring calibrated
carbon-14 date of the Great Pyramid and, accordingly, its Old Kingdom
great famine in the days of the man who is credited with the Pyramid's
design, Imhotep.
All this brings us to Manetho, whose chronology of Egypt(c.280 BC)
Egyptologists have claimed to use. But Manetho says "70 kings ruled
for 70 DAYS" after the Old Kingdom. Egyptologists have ignored this
period in Manetho's history as if it never happened. Their excuse for
ignoring these 70 kings is that Manetho only accords them "70 DAYS."
But in the ancient world a "DAY" could be a person's life, and the
phrase "70 DAYS" could mean "70 GENERATIONS." Therefore, it signifies
a potentially vast time in which "70 kings" ruled. Using various ways
of calculating a typical king's rule, the period of these "70 kings"
might extend anywhere from 1000 to 3000 years. Thus, Manetho's kings
list implies that the Old Kingdom flourished some 1000-3000 years or
so EARLIER than the 2500 BC epoch now assumed. No wonder the carbon
dates don't fit! And Dr. Schoch's findings push the preceding age in
Egypt back another 3000 years.
None of this comes as a surprise to those of us who have argued for
the "Sabbatical Cycle" reading of Genesis. Although many people have
assumed Genesis "years" are 360-day years, the Hebrew word rendered
"year" literally means "cycle of time" and is translated
in the KJV as
"day" or "month" or "year" or "generation" or "age" or whatever cycle
might be implied. In Genesis, one cycle mentioned repeatedly is the
7-year Sabbatical Cycle. If we apply this to the Genesis chronology,
the Biblical version of events lines up perfectly with the expanse of
ancient history uncovered by Schoch and the other scientists.
Plato's date for Atlantis sinking and the geologic evidence for a
sudden rise in global sea-level match the Deluge of Noah perfectly.
The new evidence for the rise of ancient Egypt matches what Genesis
says about Egypt's founding after the Flood and what Plato said. We
have Joseph's great famine matching perfectly with the one found by
German scientists in 1999.
Even the pre-flood era lines up beautifully with carbon-14 dating
of the rise of modern man, the first use of agriculture, early art
and invention, and other details that match Genesis exactly.
At a stroke the Bible and ancient history fall into alignment with
the evidence of science and archaeology. We have been arguing for the
revision of ancient history for over two decades, especially as it is
related to the dating of Genesis. [The number of new confirmations of
our reconstruction is amazing, and we will have more to say on this in
the days and months to come.]
On November 10, 2000, the journal SCIENCE published a study by 13
scientists from Stanford University in California and Europe claiming
that y-chromosome DNA from 1,007 men living in 25 locales in Europe
"confirms" the idea that modern man entered Europe 40,000 years ago BP,
hunting and gathering, retreated before the glaciers 24,000 BP, revived
16,000 BP "after the ice-age," and were joined by an influx of "farmers"
from the Mideast about 8,000 BP. Although the study may at first seem
impressive, it is largely nonsense. DNA cannot tell anything about the
hunting or farming activities of either peoples or individuals. It can
tell us about cattle or crops only if the DNA comes from cattle or crops
and not from human beings.
The absurd attempt to identify 16,000 BP with the end of the last
ice-age cannot go unchallenged. All the global and oceanic data show
that this was the COLDEST period of the ice-age, not a warm epoch.
Moreover, the introduction of "Mideast DNA" is historically known to
have taken place between 1,000 and 3,500 years ago--a fact that is so
firmly established as to be beyond dispute. The Phoenicians and Jewish
people--to say nothing of Arabic invasions--arrived in Europe during the
past 3,500 years in large numbers. The study says one-fifth of the DNA
comes from the Mideast, which is in excellent agreement with the record
of history. To ignore this well-documented influx as if it had never
occurred, while substituting an unknown and undocumented influx 8,000
years ago, is extremely suspect. It is likely that the average of this
DNA is a bit older than 2,000 years.
A more obvious explanation for the DNA results is that the "clock"
being used to "date" the DNA shifts is in error by a factor of roughly
four-fold. Such "clocks" are based upon two unproven assumptions:
1) That the rate of mutation remains the same. This assumes there
are no outside factors, such as exposure to radiation or toxins,
that affect mutations of DNA. This is certainly false.
2) That the time between generations is constant and averages some
fixed period, such as 20 or 30 years. This assumes a cultural
consistency that is most unlikely. It also ignores the effects
of gene deterioration in the semen of older men, which could have
a significant impact upon mutation/generation rates.
It is obvious that the "clock" being used can be off by substantial
amounts of time under various assumptions about mutation rates and the
number of years between generations. For example, if one assumes that
mutations occur every 50 generations and that 20 years elapse between
each generation, then mutations occur every 1,000 years. On the other
hand, if mutations occur every 25 generations and only 13 years elapse
between generations, then mutations occur every 325 years. The second
"clock" is more than three times as fast as the first. Hence, the date
of an event in the genetic history of the first clock will be assumed
to have occurred over three times farther back in time than if one were
to use the second genetic clock.
So it would not be at all surprising if the "clock" used in this new
study were to prove too slow, yielding dates far too old. But we are
not without a way to calibrate this clock. As we have noted, the Jewish
and Phoenician immigrations into Europe are well-established and dated
by history. Using this solid ground, we can identify the Mideast DNA
in the study with a c.2,200(+/-1200 yrs)BP influx of known size and
chronological range. If correct, then the dates in the study MIGHT be
uniformly "old" by a factor of about 100:27.
Based upon this assumption, we can "recalibrate" the clock and the
dates as follows:
40,000 BP 10,800 BP End of last Ice Age (post-Deluge)
"First major influx into Europe"
24,000 BP 6,480 BP Great Famine of Joseph
"Retreat into three warm enclaves"
16,000 BP 4,320 BP Revival of European settlements
"Resettlement of Europe"
8,000 BP 2,160 BP Average era of known Mideast influx
"New DNA strain from Mideast"
As we can easily see, this recalibrated timetable fits beautifully
into the known record of European settlement since the ice-age, while
the proposed Stanford "clock" creates major conflicts with the dating
of the ice-age and historical migrations. The Stanford model fails to
explain the "absence" of Jewish, Arabic, and Phoenician (ie Roman) and
other known recent DNA contributions in European genes. These modern
Mideast DNA contributions should be prominent in the Stanford data, or
certainly easy to detect, yet their model supposedly found no trace of
a recent influx. It is as if the Jews had no diaspora and the Arabs had
never invaded Europe. The Roman claim of Phoenician ancestry would be
false, and all those old European ports with Phoenician names must be
figments of everyone's imagination.
Yet if we simply accept the obvious fact that the DNA evidence for
a Mideast influx into Europe matches the known history of Europe, we
have no problem dating this DNA to fairly "recent" times, that is, to
the period from the Exodus era down to the Arab invasions.
Once that adjustment is made, all the other DNA dates quickly fall
into place. The ice-age ends where it should. The retreat from parts
of Europe matches the sudden climatic shift of Joseph's famine which
German scientists have now confirmed. The resettlement of Europe also
ties in nicely with such events as the creation of Stonehenge.
And all of these dates agree precisely with the long chronology of
Genesis. The time is approaching when we shall be able to reconstruct
a reasonably detailed history of the past 25,000 years. We are seeing
a major transformation of our understanding of the so-called stone age
and its absurd "cave-man" imagery. We now know these people wore real
clothing, built houses and towns, engaged in agriculture, made vessels
to sail the sea in, played music, painted, and probably had language.
They were, after all, our parents...
(Copyright 2000, by Hage Productions)
Date Event Citation Scientific Status
24,000 BP Pre-Adamic Flooding (Gen 1:2,6-7,9-10) CONFIRMED*1
ADAM'S ANCESTORS AT PETRA (Gen 2:15,24;3:23)
23,000 BP Adam & Eve appear (Gen 2-3) CONFIRMED*2
18,000 BP Famine of Cain (Gen 4, Jasher 2:7, EL*3) CONFIRMED*3
12,000 BP Giants Rule (Gen 6, Josephus) CONFIRMED*4
11,600 BP Deluge/Atlantis Sinks (Gen 6-8, Plato*5) CONFIRMED*5
10,550 BP Egypt Re-founded (Gen 10, Plato*6) CONFIRMED*6
8,000 BP Tower of Babel, Sodom (Gen 11-19) CONFIRMED*7
6,500 BP Israelites into Egypt (Gen 41-47) CONFIRMED*8
6,300 BP Joseph's Tomb (Gen 50) CONFIRMED*9
3,500 BP Exodus (Ex 12) CONFIRMED*10
(Beginning of great Mideast dispersions)
1*Milankovitch Cycles of planetary orbital changes and earth tilt show
a climatic change c.24,000 BP (Before Present).
2*Mitochondrial DNA divergence studies show that if two people began
the human race, their DNA began to be passed down c.23,000 BP.
3*Earliest Egyptian grains C-14 dated to c.18,000 BP, in the Fayyum,
the very time and place cited in Egyptian literature as when Osiris
came to Egypt and taught them to plant grain for the first time at
at time when the Egyptians had descended into cannibalism due to a
severed famine. Data from U. Mich. (see above story) confirms that
Africa was in a drought cycle at this time.
4*Skeletons of humans all over the world average a full 10" taller in
the pre-9600 BC period than in the post-8500 BC era. Some individual
skeletons are even larger. Josephus and ancient pagan authors agreed
with Genesis 6 that giants or "Titans" had ruled before the Flood.
5*The revised Biblical Flood date (based upon using Sabbatical cycles
of 7 years each) matches perfectly with Plato's "TIMAEUS" dialogue,
in which the Flood came "9000 years" before Solon (c.600 BC). Data
from Amazon study, Emiliani, and ice-cores match flood to 11,700 BP.
6*New DNA studies place a sudden influx of modern man into Europe at
40,000 years BP, but we believe this date will eventually be seen to
be four times too old, and will confirm the c.10,000 BP post-flood
descriptions of Plato & the Bible & archaeological signs of farming.
7*Bob Ballard & National Geographic have found evidence of massive rise
in level of Black Sea about this time, implying geological upheavals.
5500 BC known to be sudden increase in rainfall in Turkey and Africa.
Sept 28, 2001: Scottish archaeologists document vast tidal wave hit
Scotland and northern Europe; Britian becomes an island; c. 5800 BC.
8*New DNA studies say that mankind suddenly retreated into 3 areas of
Europe at this time [as adjusted, see above], signifying huge climate
changes. German scientists find vast drought swept Mideast 6,000 BP.
Thera volcano in massive eruption at this date. Arctic Ocean ice-free.
9*Studies of Old Kingdom at Sakarra show proof of 7-year famine and the
prior knowledge of Imhotep(Joseph), massive grain storage. Text at
Elephantine in Ptolemaic times claims same thing.
10*Velikovsky produced extensive documentation of plagues of Exodus in
several books. Confirmation of unstable orbits of Mars and Mercury
published in July, 1994. Further confirmation in 1999. Mars water data
{2001-2002) prove it must have been in different orbit fairly recently.
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